Saturday 3 March 2018


Edward was a man who devoted his entire life to the work of God and nothing could deter him from that pursuit. He spent three hours in prayer every night for the conversion of sinners. He gave out half of his monthly salary to the poor people around him. He devoted his personal property to the service of God. His lifestyle was enough preaching to those who saw him. Consequently, many people became Christians because of his way of life. To touch the world, you must be ready to make sacrifice. 
Jesus' humility in taking the form of mankind even though he was God, won Him great credibility. So, at His name, all knees must bow and every tongue must confess that He is Lord (Phil. 2:1-11). Apply all you have to the service of God as much as the world invests all it has on the worldly values. 
In a world in which selfishness is considered a virtue, it seems impossible for one to sacrifice personal comfort in order to strengthen others. Today, the world is ruled by pleasure and all forms of individualism. Yet, in the midst of these, we can make a difference. We can still sacrifice some of our comfort just to save the lavishing souls. We can still spend hours in prayer for other people. We can still give out part of our monthly salary to those who are financially incapacitated. Indeed, we can still be Christians.

Wisdom Nugget
It is what we give up, not what we lay up, that adds to our lasting store- Ballou

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