Sunday 4 March 2018


Life is a battlefield on which Christians constantly and on daily basis embark on combat with the kingdom of darkness and of the world. A life of commitment and prayer in itself hurts the devil's feelings. He uses all around to fight Christians. He fights their life of honesty by bringing to them opportunities to lie and to deceive others; he fights their purity by sending things that would trigger up impure thoughts and actions; he fights their life of sacrifice by giving them reasons to think that they are being foolish in their endeavors and commitment to the Lord, he fights their faith by magnifying their problems and making them look formidable.
But the Lord says, "The battle is mine". There is no need to be afraid because the battle is not yours; it is for the Lord. It means that he will surely defend you and grant you victory over the devices of your enemy, the devil. Failure to put oneself in the hands of the Lord is tantamount to defeat as was the case with Saul and Jonathan. As great as they were, they fell prey to the sword of the enemies. This tells us that the race is not for the swift and victory not for the strong but it is the Lord who gives the power of success in everything. In like manner, so many Christians have fallen by the sword, in the thick of their battle and they have given in to the lures of the devil. So many Christians have compromised their faith by doing things they had refused to do because of Christ. This is why you must ask the Lord to grant you the grace to stand for him at all times.

Wisdom Nugget
Failure establishes only this, that our determination to succeed was not strong enough- Bovee   

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